Antique Mixed Hardwood Flooring

Reclaimed Mixed Hardwoods


This flooring includes a collection of a wide variety of barn planks that we have reclaimed.

This Antique Barn-Board flooring is made by taking old barn planks and milling them into new flooring.


A unique blend of mixed hardwoods including Walnut, Maple, Hickory, Ash, Beech, Poplar, Sassafras, Elm and other common Appalachian hardwoods.


When left unstained the Mixed Hardwood flooring will give you a good variety of colors and character.

Since most of this flooring came from original barn boards, you will see quite a few old saw marks still visible in this flooring.

Frequent aging stress cracks, worm holes, knots and saw marks all add to the rich character of this unique floor.

Availability in this flooring is limited at times, so please call for details and pricing.

For details on pricing, please fill out our Quote Request form or call us at (800) 333-7610